We are experienced creative technologists & systems engineers. We are passionate about coding and user experience design skills as well as the ability to convert client requirements into exciting applications.
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"The only way to make the deadline -- the only way to go fast -- is to keep the code as clean as possible at all times." ― Robert C. Martin, Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship
Software development is more a craft than an engineering discipline. That's why we continuously improve coding skills by following the best coding practices and industry mentors.
book this service“Design can be art. Design can be aesthetics. Design is so simple, that's why it is so complicated.” ― Paul Rand
User experience design is the process of enhancing user satisfaction by improving the usability, accessibility, and pleasure provided in the interaction between the user and the product.
Embracing UX is crucial from a marketing standpoint because it will help you capture and retain the attention of current and potential customers. Great design provides consistent visual language that allows users learn and discover your application without effort. In our design we follow proven principles like Google Material Design.
book this serviceDomain-Driven Design (DDD), exists to help us more readily succeed at achieving high-quality software model designs. Let's sit down and talk about your business instead of writing documentation.
In Domain-Driven Design, requirements are always explained from a domain perspective. Conceptualizing the software system in terms of the business domain reduces the risk of misunderstandings between the business experts and the development team. This also reduces the risk of ‘back-and-forth’ while freezing requirements.
book this service"A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week." - George S. Patton
We are Agile advocates. We believe that a light-weight process and partnership cooperation with our customers leads to better software. We can help you transform to Agile or we can be a part of your existing team.
book this serviceThe domain-centric architecture (Hexagonal / Ports & Adapters) together with end-to-end tests based on real business scenarios gives confidence about condition of your system and produces always up-to-date documentation.
The right balance of TDD (Test-Driven Development), BDD (Behavior-Driven Development) and User Interface regression tests (Selenium) are keys to success. Together with automated Continuous Integration & Continuous Delivery build process in place your system can be deployed within days instead of weeks.
book this serviceCloud-based services are ideal for businesses with growing or fluctuating bandwidth demands. If your needs increase it’s easy to scale up your cloud capacity, drawing on the service’s remote servers. Likewise, if you need to scale down again, the flexibility is baked into the service.
This level of agility can give businesses using cloud computing a real advantage over competitors – it’s not surprising that CIOs and IT Directors rank ‘operational agility’ as a top driver for cloud adoption.
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